Understanding Overvoltage Categories for Your Safety

Understanding Overvoltage Categories for Your Safety - Herein, we provide you with an article on Understanding Overvoltage Categories in conjunction w


Understanding Overvoltage Categories for Your Safety - Herein, we provide you with an article on Understanding Overvoltage Categories in conjunction with high voltage Overvoltage installation categoriesspike or transient for your safety. 

These transients are “invisible” and largely unavoidable hazards on electrical systems and regularly occur on low voltage power circuits in turn can reach peak values in many thousands of volts. 

This article was aimed to contribute significant inprovement in protection circuit since it was a momentary high-voltage spike or transient that hit some electronic device without warning.

You will be taken into sections such voltage spikes as an unavoidable hazard, transient protection, overvoltage installation categories (click the picture), independent testing as the key to safety compliance, 

protection against two major electrical hazards, arc blast and electric shock, applying the concept of overvoltage categories into every day work, tips to help you work safely, and a table consist of transient test values for overvoltage installation categories.

As defined by the International Electrotechnical Comission (IEC), safety must be built into the test equipment in order to provide protection against transients. 

Technicians and electricians are now using the new IEC 1010 standard from formerly IEC 348 since IEC 1010 offer a significantly higher level of safety.

Please complete your read of Understanding Overvoltage Categories for Your Safety in this pdf filetype (source: fluke.com)

Tags: electrical hazards, Overvoltage Category, transient test, IEC, Safety,

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